首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与应用》 >机械系统误差分析新方法




Based on the principles of topology contravariant, a new framework for error analysis of mechanical system is proposed.Using the theory, the original information space, final information space and topology contravariant operator are established to describe the error analysis problem and transform motion error space of the mechanical system to the error source space.It is a new point of view on error analysis of mechanical system to reduce error from error source space,which can be the foundation to further improve the work quality of the system.The method of error analysis is applied for the parallel robot.The result of simulation experiment indicates that the work quality of parallel robot can be further inaproved by reducing the parameter of the pose error.The validity of the proposed approach is demonstrated by simulation experiment%基于拓扑反变基本原理,建立用于描述机械系统运动误差问题的原始信息空间和目标信息空间以及拓扑反变映射算子,将系统的输出运动误差空间反推到误差源空间,通过减小相应误差源的误差为进一步提高系统的工作质量奠定了基础.将该方法应用于并联机器人的误差问题,通过对并联机器人误差模型进行仿真分析,得出减小位置参数误差可有效提高并联机器人精度的结论,验证该理论方法的有效性.



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