首页> 中文期刊>计算机工程与应用 >强鲁棒性的可穿戴传感器的人体动作识别方法




为了降低可穿戴传感器在传感器移位时对动作识别率的影响,对可穿戴传感器的动作识别进行了研究.采用高精度传感器采集不同部位的输出信号,根据运动的周期特点对输出信号进行去噪和快速傅里叶变换,将其转化为频域信号.再使用主成分分析法提取综合指标,并对自组织神经网络进行训练,实现动作识别.最差情况下识别准确率可达到92.0%,较好情况下甚至可达到97.5%,传感器移位情况下的识别率甚至更高.%Human daily activity recognition using mobile personal sensing technology plays a central role in the field of pervasive healthcare. In this paper, a novel human activity recognition framework is presented to reduce the impact of sen-sors displacement. It utilizes high-precision sensor to capture signal. According to periodic features of human movement, the corresponding frequency domain is got by Fast Fourier Transform. The principal components analysis is used to extract composite indicator. After extend process the input data, a self-organizing neural network models is built for gesture recog-nition. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme, and in ideal conditionsthe accuracy of certain relationship can get 97.5%.



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