首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用与软件 >面向机器自动识别的方位词“中”的用法规则研究




构建面向机器的现代汉语方位词知识库(方位词用法机器词典、方位词用法规则库),对于现代汉语方位词用法的自动识别研究具有重要的意义.致力于面向机器的方位词“中”的用法自动识别研究,以《人民日报》2000年1月-6月的语料作为实验数据,通过对其原始规则的自动识别结果的分析,调整和改进了面向机器识别的方位词“中”的规则描述,把方位词“中”的用法识别准确率由12.88%提高到86.35%,使现代汉语方位词用法规则库得到了进一步完善.%Building in a machine-oriented database of locatives in modern Chinese, such as computer dictionary of Chinese locatives usage and database of locatives usage rules, has significant meaning to the study on automated computer recognition of modern Chinese locatives usage. This paper focused on the studies of machine-oriented usage of the locative "zhong" of Chinese character. Using the corpus in People' s Daily from January to June in year 2000 as the experimental data, and through analysing the results of automated recognition based on primitive rules, we regulate and improve the machine-oriented rule description for the locative " zhong". This change boosts the recognition success rate of this character from 12. 88% to 86. 35%. Moreover, it also further perfects the usage rules database of locatives in modern Chinese.



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