首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用与软件 >基于大数据的住院医师规范化培训系统设计与实现




随着住院医师规范化培训规模的不断壮大,运用信息化管理已成为必然趋势.住院医师规范化培训系统旨在提高医院管理效率,保障培训质量.该系统基于大数据的理念,采用B/S体系结构,运用ASP.NET MVC5框架,数据库以微软的SQL Server为主,部分模块采用MongoDB进行存储.在国家级和省级住院医师规范化培训系统功能结构基础上,拓展新增题库管理和轮转排班模块,以满足医院内部需求.系统功能齐备,经测试、部署运行后,能够满足对住院医师培训的信息化管理,不同用户能够高效、安全地行使各自的职能.%With the constant expansion of standardized training for residents,the use of information management has become an inevitable trend.Standardized training system for residents is designed to improve the efficiency of hospital management and ensure the quality of training.The system is based on the concept of big data, uses B/S architecture and MVC framework from ASP.NET platform.The major database management module of the system is based on SQL Server.MongoDB is integrated for part of the module.On the basis of the national and provincial standardized training system for residents,test base management and rotary scheduling should be expanded to meet the internal demand of the hospital.The system function is found to be completed,and it is tested that it can manage the informatization of resident doctors training,and different users can exercise their functions respectively,efficiently,and safely.



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