首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆医学》 >亚健康抑郁倾向人群的中医辨识及影响因素分析




目的 了解亚健康抑郁倾向人群的基本特征,明确其体质类型、心理状态、应对方式、应激事件发生等.方法 采用<个人身心健康调查量表>进行横断面调查,利用EPI软件建立数据库,以SAS8.1软件进行统计分析.结果 抑郁倾向女性易发生,20~40岁人群发生率最高,大专以上学历最多见,职业以党政机关办事人员及专业技术人员为主,并与家庭不和、人际关系不协调、生活环境改变等应激事件有关;抑郁倾向人群以虚性体质(阳虚、阴虚)为主,SCL-90量表各因子阳性结果发生率高于健康人群(P<0.01),社会应对方式以消极应对为主,生活质量评分低于健康人群水平(P<0.05).结论 亚健康抑郁倾向人群女性多见,以虚性体质的高学历、脑力劳动者为主,同时与家庭不和、人际关系不协调、生活环境改变等特定应激事件有关.%Objective To find out traditional chinese medical constitution characters, mentation, coping style and other related factors in sub-healthy people with depressive tendency. Methods Individual Physical and Moral Health Investigation Scale was used to complete epidemiology cross section investigation;EPI software was used to establish database;SAS8. 1 was used to analyze data and complete statistical analysis. Results The depressive tendency of sub-healthy people was more common in women, and the incidence rate of depressive tendency was highest in 20 - 40 years old age, especially in well-educated people with junior college educational background. And the main careers with more common depressive tendency were government functionaries and professionals. The depressive tendency was closely related to some stress events, such as disharmony of family, uncoordinated interpersonal relationship, and the changes of living environment etc. People with depressive tendency were more common in asthenia constitution (yang asthenia,yin asthenia). And the incidence of positive results of each factor in SCL-90 scale was higher than that in healthy people(P<0. 01). The society coping style of the people with depressive tendency were tended to depression and their life quality scores were lower than that in healthy people obviously(P<0. 05). Conclusion The depression tendency is common in women and related with well education, mental workers. The people with asthenia constitution should be intervened particularly. And family dissension, uncoordinated interpersonal relationship,living conditions changes and other specific stress events are closely related to the depression tendency.



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