首页> 中文期刊>中国超声医学杂志 >实时心肌声学造影评价正常犬心肌血流灌注的实验研究




Objective:To assess the value of real-time myocardial contrast enhancement imaging(real-time MCE)—a new myocardial cont rast technique—in the evaluation of canine normal myocardial perfusion.Methods:Eight open-chest mongrel canine models were esta blished.The real-time MCE,using intravenous injection of a perfluorocarbon con trast agent with a minimum injection pump,was performed.The myocardial contrast agent perfusion and wall motion function of left ventricular walls were observe d in the middle of papillary muscle scan plane.Results:The real-time MCE showed not only the contrast agent s perfusion radiantly but also the wall motions of left ventriuclar walls admi rably.In addition,the impulse (flash)contrast imaging revealed the reperfusion o f the contrast agent clearly.Conclusions:Having been performed significantly easily,the rea l-time myocardial contrast enhancement imaging can show the myocardial microcir culation and wall motion function simultaneously.The flash or impulse contrast imaging will be the cornerstone upon which perfuison quantification will be built.%目的:应用实时心肌声学造影评价正常犬的 心肌血流灌注。方法:8只开胸犬以微量注射泵静脉滴注全氟显(速度为5ml/min和10ml/min) 进行实时心肌声学造影。乳头肌水平短轴切面观察左室各壁的造影效果和室壁运动。以闪烁 显像观察左室各壁的再灌注情况。结果:实时心肌声学造影良好地显示了犬正常心肌的血流灌注特点,包括色 彩、亮度与灌注时间,同时各室壁节段运动显示良好,回放测量与M型测值无明显差异。闪 烁显像准确反映了心肌血流灌注的速度。结论:实时心肌声学造影可同时观察心肌灌注和室壁运动,“闪烁”显像具 有定量评价心肌血流灌注的潜在价值,具有良好的应用前景。



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