首页> 中文期刊>中国舰船研究 >基于相对熵排序的舰船甲板气流场评价方法




To deal with the lack of decision-making methods during the evaluation of airflow field on large ships' deck, a relative entropy method for ship airflow evaluation is proposed in this paper. According to the calculation of the airflow field on three foreign ships with the same working condition, the takeoff and landing speed and the change of vortex are presented. Then, the evaluation index of airflow field is built based on these parameters and a decision-making method of entropy theory is introduced to support both group decision and alternatives assessment. The proposed method is proved to be practical and efficient in actual practice.%为有效开展对大型舰船甲板气流场的评估工作,提出一种基于相对熵排序的气流场评价方法.首先,数值模拟3艘国外大型舰船同一工况条件下的舰面空气流场状态,给出起飞、降落跑道气流场速度和甲板面压力变化等评价气流场的关键参数,然后,根据这些指标参数建立舰船甲板气流场的评价指标体系,其重要程度需依据相关领域的多位专家通过商讨后得出,最后,引入相对熵的概念改进传统的TOPSIS方法,对3艘舰船的气流场方案进行综合评价.应用实例表明,该方法可为舰船甲板气流场评价提供一种可行、有效的新途径.



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