首页> 中文期刊> 《中国水稻科学》 >中国粳稻春江06抗白背飞虱的系谱分析




对中国粳稻春江06的抗白背飞虱特性进行系谱分析表明,春江06对白背飞虱的拒取食和杀卵抗性均来源于秀水620.秀水620的亲本中,只有秀水04具有较强的拒取食抗性,但没有杀卵抗性.在祥湖24中检测到明显的杀卵反应.亲本秀水04、单209和辐农709具有拒取食抗性,但测21没有.单209和辐农709的共同亲本农虎6号也具有拒取食抗性.然而,农虎6号、农垦58(日本粳稻)和老虎稻(中国粳稻地方品种)不具有拒取食抗性,在田间表现出感虫性.农虎6号、单209、辐农709和秀水04表现出稳定的田间抗性.春江06育种中的两个籼稻品种IR26和IR28高感白背飞虱,既无拒取食抗性,也无杀卵作用.%Genealogical analysis was conducted to study the resistance to the whitebacked planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera, in a Chinese japonica rice variety Chunjiang 06 (CJ-06). Results indicated that both the sucking inhibitory- and ovicidal resistance to WBPH were inherited from Xiushui 620 (XS-620). Among the parental lines of XS-620, only Xiushui 04 (XS-04) had a strong sucking inhibitory resistance, but no ovicidal resistance. Significant ovicidal response was detected in Xianghu 24. Of the 3 parental lines of XS-04, Dan 209 (D-209) and Funong 709 (FN-709) had sucking inhibitory resistance, whereas Ce 21(C-21) did not. Nonghu 6 (NH-6), a common parent of D-209 and FN-709, also inhibited sucking. However, the parents of NH-6, Nongken 58 (Japanese japonica) and Laohudao (LHD, Chinese japonica landrace), had no sucking inhibitory resistance, and were susceptible to WBPH under the field conditions. NH-6, D-209, FN-709 and XS-04 expressed definite resistance to WBPH in the fields. Two indica varieties IR26 and IR28, which were used to breed CJ-06, were highly susceptible to WBPH, and had neither sucking inhibitory- nor ovicidal resistance.



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