首页> 中文期刊> 《中国康复医学杂志》 >中文版参与和自主性测评问卷的修订及信度、效度分析




Objective: To revise and analyse the reliability and validity of Chinese version of impact on participation and autonomy questionnaire (IPA).rnMethod: A revised Chinese version of IPA was developed through forward-backward translation and culture modulation procedures. Then reliability and validity were tested. The work and education domain was left out of the analysis due to its low applicability to 150 stroke survivals.rnResult: Cronbach's a coefficient for the remaining 26 items of IPA- I was 0.959, for the four domains of IPA- I ranged between 0.782-0.965; for the IPA- II was 0.905, indicating good homogeneity. One item (intimate relationship) was deleted for the low correlations with total score (r=0.173). Convergent validity was largely supported by the correlations between London handicap scale (LHS) and IPA. Factor analysis extracted 4 factors which were approximately consistent with the structure and content of the four subscales.rnConclusion: The Chinese version of IPA is a valid, reliable and acceptable measure of participation and autonomy in patients with stroke.%目的:修订中文版参与和自主性测评问卷(IPA)并对其进行信度和效度评价,为评估脑卒中患者社会水平的康复结局提供简单、有效的工具.方法:对英文IPA问卷进行系统的翻译和文化调适,并应用中文版IPA对150例脑卒中患者进行测量,对测定结果进行信度和效度分析.结果:中文版IPA-Ⅰ问卷总的Cronbach α系数为0.959,各维度的Cronbach α系数为0.782-0.965;IPA-Ⅱ问卷Cronbach α系数为0.905.内容效度分析得出:IPA问卷各条目的CVI值为0.8以上,除一个条目(与配偶间亲密关系)外,其余各条目得分与总分相关性系数为0.406-0.901(P< 0.01);平行效度分析得出:IPA-Ⅰ问卷与伦敦残障量表(LHS)得分的相关系数为0.807(P<0.01),IPA-Ⅱ问卷与LHS得分的相关系数为0.657 (P< 0.01);对中文版IPA-Ⅰ问卷进行因子分析,IPA-Ⅰ得到4个公因子,各条目载荷大于0.4,共解释了78.824%的方差.结论:中文版IPA问卷是一份具有较好信度和效度的测评工具,可用于我国脑卒中患者的相关研究中.



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