首页> 中文期刊> 《中国人口.资源与环境:英文版》 >Review of China's policy and management system for the paid use of sea area Feng

Review of China's policy and management system for the paid use of sea area Feng



As a carrier to develop various marine resources, sea area is regulated as a kind of important resources through legislation by many coastal countries with a management system for the paid use of sea area. Since the early 1990s, China has begun to implement the paid use and formed an institutional system comprised of three levels after developing it for more than two decades. From 2002 to 2015, the Chinese Government transferred the use right of sea area of 33,910 km2 by paid use and levied a total of 75.89 billion CNY (11.328 billion US dollars) of sea area use payment. Apart from this, the Government has gained rich experience in operating and managing the compensable use of sea area. After retrospectively analyzing the development history of paid use of China’s sea area, the research presents an institutional structure and the implementation of the management system for the paid use of sea area and the main problems therein. On this basis, management policies and feasible policy suggestions are proposed. Research results from this study can provide available references for other developing countries and emerging economies to apply and improve native management system for the paid use of sea area.




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