首页> 中文期刊>极地研究 >浅析俄罗斯北极战略中的关键因素




北极地区是俄罗斯的重要关注领域,其战略重要性正在迅速提升.俄罗斯决心通过政治、经济和军事手段成为北极核心国家.俄政府于2008年制定了《截至2020年及之后俄罗斯联邦北极地区国家政策》,旨在维持俄罗斯“北极领导国家”的地位.结合俄罗斯在极地的一系列举措,从经济、法律、军事和地缘政治这几个角度分析俄罗斯北极政策中的关键内容,同时关注当前俄罗斯在极地区域的政策与2001年由俄罗斯总统普京签署的《俄罗斯联邦至2020年期间的海洋政策》中的北极战略中所呈现出的态度之间的差别.最后,从有利因素和制约因素两方面评估俄罗斯北极政策目标的实施前景.%The Arctic region is an internationally important area of concern,with increasing strategic significance for Russia.Through political,economic and military methods,the Russian government strives to be one of the core countries in this region.In 2008,the Russian government formulated the "Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the Period up to 2020 and Beyond",aimed at maintaining the status of Russia as "the leading country" in the Arctic.The key elements in the Russian Arctic policy and the series of initiatives implemented by Russia in the Arctic regions,are analyzed in view of the economic,legal,military and geopolitical ramifications.Additionally,the differing attitudes from the current Russian policy in the polar regions and the earlier "Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation 2020" signed in 2001 are compared.Finally,the prospects of implementation of Russia's Arctic policy objectives are assessed.



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