首页> 中文期刊> 《中华眼科杂志》 >我国角膜病学近五年十大研究进展



中华医学会眼科学分会角膜病学组通过专家投票的方式遴选出代表我国近5年(2009至2013年)角膜病临床和基础研究领域的最突出的10项研究进展,主要集中于感染性角膜病的临床和基础研究、角膜手术的创新和新技术应用、组织工程角膜材料的研发、免疫排斥反应防治等4个方面.这些研究在一定程度上代表了目前我国角膜病学在国际同领域的水平和影响力,部分研究成为我国角膜病学者的标志性研究.%Ten researches that may represent the most advanced cornea and ocular surface disease (OSD) related studies in China were voted by specialists from Chinese Cornea Group of Ophthalmology Society.These researches were concentrated in the following fields:Clinical and basic research in infectious keratitis ; clinical application of modern corneal surgeries and technology; tissue engineering corneal material development ; prevention and treatment of immune rejection after corneal transplantation,et al.These studies represented the level of our national cornea and ocular surface specialists in the international cornea and OSD field and have become the landmark study of our specialists.



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