首页> 中文期刊>中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志 >不安全快速上浮脱险致减压病大鼠肺组织损伤研究



Objective To investigate changes in lung injury induced by unsafe fast buoyancy ascent escape in the rats with decompression sickness (DCS).Methods Half an hour,3 h,6 h,12 h and 24 h after development of DCS induced by unsafe fast buoyancy ascent escape,pathological changes in the pulmonary tissue and total protein(TP) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF)were detected and comparisons were made with those of the control group.Results Half an hour and 6 hours after development of DCS,numerous red blood cells in alveoli and the disturbance of the alveolar structure could be seen quite obviously.Statistical differences could be noticed in TP in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid 6 hours after treatment [(402.00 ± 27.79) × 103 μg/L],as compared with that of the control group [(4.07 ± 0.50) × 103 μg/L] (P < 0.01).Conclusions Following development of DCS induced by unsafe fast buoyancy ascent escape,there occurred a certain lesion in the pulmonary tissue of rats,the mechanism of which demanded further research.%目的 研究不安全快速上浮脱险致减压病(decompression illness,DCS)大鼠肺组织损伤所发生的变化.方法 不安全快速上浮脱险致DCS后0.5、3、6、12、24 h对大鼠肺组织病理改变、支气管肺泡灌洗液(bronchoalveolar lavage fluid,BALF)中总蛋白(total protein,TP)进行检测,并与正常对照组对比.结果 不安全快速上浮脱险致DCS后0.5、6h大鼠肺泡内可见大量红细胞,肺泡结构紊乱;BALF中TP含量在处理后6h(402.00 ±27.79)×103μg/L]与正常对照组[(4.07 ±0.50)×103μg/L]比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 不安全快速上浮脱险致DCS大鼠发生了一定程度的肺脏组织血管损伤,具体机制有待进一步研究.



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