首页> 中文期刊>自然杂志 >解决人类重大健康问题的抗寄生虫病药--2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖简介




生活在地球上的人类面临着各种来自于环境的威胁,其中一种就是寄生于人体进行繁衍从而导致人类疾病和死亡的寄生虫。全世界每年有超过一半以上的人口受到寄生虫病的威胁,每年有数百万的人死于寄生虫病。40年前,日本北里大学的教授大村智(Satoshi Ōmura)和美国德鲁大学(Drew University)的研究员威廉•坎贝尔(William C. Campbell)发现的治疗淋巴丝虫病(象皮病)、盘尾丝虫病(河盲症)的阿维菌素和中国中医科学院的教授屠呦呦发现的治疗疟疾的青蒿素,彻底改变了那些饱受寄生虫病害痛苦的患者的命运。由于这三位科学家为解决人类重大健康问题所做出的贡献,2015年度的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了他们。%Humans face constant threats from their environment. One of them is from the parasites that live and propagate inside our body, which may cause diseases and death. Majority of the world population are facing with challenges from various parasitic infections and millions of people died from infectious diseases every year. Two anti-parasitic disease drugs discovered 40 years ago, the anti-River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis drug Avermectin discovered by William C. Campbell and SatoshiŌmura, and the anti-Malaria drug discovered by Youyou Tu, revolutionized the treatment for the diseases and changed the lives of millions who are afflicted by the diseases. Because of the great contributions they made in solving the major global health problems, the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the three scientists.



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