首页> 中文期刊>中华现代护理杂志 >不同置管方式测量中心静脉压在低出生体重儿中的应用效果



Objective To discuss the effect of measuring central venous with peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in low birth weight infants (LBWIs).Methods Totally 100 LBWIs admitted in the intensive care unit ( ICU) of a tertiary hospital from January to Octomber 2015 were selected and were randomly divided into the PICC group and the central venous catheterization ( CVC) group, with 50 cases in each group. Patients in the PICC group received the main intravenous catheter, while patients in the CVC group received subclavian intravenous catheter. Data were collected for statistical analysis. The difference of central venous pressure and the incidence rate of complications in patients with different measure methods were compared between two groups.Results The central venous pressure of LBWIs in the PICC group was (8.26±2.18) cmH2O, and in the CVC group was (7.85±2.36) cmH2O (t=0.421,P>0.05); the incidence rates of catheter obstruction, phlebitis and puncture point bleeding of the PICC group were lower than that of the CVC group (χ2=5.01,6.93, 4.00;P<0.05).Conclusions PICC catheter measurement won′t affect the measure results of central venous pressure in LBWIs,and can reduce the incidence of complications related with central venous catheter in very low LBWIs, so it can be popularized for use.%目的:探讨低出生体重患儿经PICC测量中心静脉压(CVP)的效果。方法选择2015年1—10月在某三级甲等医院重症监护室入院的100例低出生体重患儿,随机分为PICC组和CVC组,各50例,测量中心静脉压值。 PICC组经贵要静脉置管,CVC组经锁骨下静脉置管。收集数据进行统计学分析,比较两种不同测压方式中心静脉压值的差异及并发症发生率。结果 PICC组低出生体重患儿中心静脉压值(8.26±2.18) cmH2O,CVC组(7.85±2.36) cmH2O,两种方法测量所得的中心静脉压值比较差异无统计学意义( t=0.421,P>0.05);PICC组导管堵管、静脉炎及穿刺点渗血发生率均低于CVC组,差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为5.01,6.93,4.00;P<0.05);结论低出生体重患儿经PICC导管测量中心静脉压不会影响测量结果,可以减少极低出生体重患儿中心静脉置管并发症的发生,可以推广应用。



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