首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学物理学杂志》 >脉搏波传导时间的血压估计模型




A new method of arterial blood pressure (ABP) estimation using double-parameter regression model with pulse transit time (PTr) and pulse wave characteristic parameter K is proposed to enhance the accuracy of ABP estimation.Using MIMIC database offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology,we calculated PTT and characteristic parameter K from electrocardiogram and photoplethysmography,and mean blood pressure (MBP) from invasive ABE In this study,the performances of the double-parameter regression model and the existing single parameter model that consider PTT only are comparatively analyzed.Experiment results show that compared with the single parameter model,the root mean square error is reduced by 1 mmHg and the accuracy has a maximum increase of 10% when using the double-parameter regression model.Double-parameter regression model with PTT and K can improve ABP estimation effect.%为提高动脉血压估计的准确性,提出一个以脉搏波传导时间和脉搏波波形特征参量K值为基础的血压估计双参数模型.采用麻省理工学院MIMIC数据库,通过心电和光电容积脉搏波信号计算得到脉搏波传导时间和特征参量K值,通过有创动脉血压信号计算平均动脉血压,对比分析提出的双参数模型和以脉搏波传导时间为基础的单参数模型血压估计的效果.结果表明相比单参数模型,建立的双参数模型血压估计均方根误差减少1 mmHg,估计准确率最大提高了10%.引入脉搏波特征参量K值建立的双参数模型在一定程度能改善血压估计效果.



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