首页> 中文期刊>中华医学教育探索杂志 >病原生物学与免疫学实验考核新模式的应用与评价



目的探讨新的以实验技能为考查重点的考核模式的效果,为完善病原生物学与免疫学实验课程考核评价体系提供借鉴.方法选择2009级五年制口腔专业学生进行新的考核模式的试点,通过问卷调查,分析评价试行效果.结果大多数学生对新的课程安排和考核方式总体评价较高,在实验设计能力、操作技术、撰写报告能力及创新能力等方面得到明显提高.结论新的课程安排及考核模式优于传统模式,能有效提高学生的综合实验技能.%Objective To investigate the effect of the examination mode which focuses on students' comprehensive skill and capability, and then provide some references for the consummation of the examination evaluation system of the course of pathogenic biology and immunology experiments. Methods Students of five-year class of stomatology of Grade 2009 were selected to sit the innovating examination. The evaluation of the effect was analysed by the way of a questionnaire. Results Many students set higher values on the innovating course arrangement and examination mode which improved their capacity of experimental design, operational technique, writing of laboratory reports, innovative ability and so on. Conclusion The innovating course arrangement and examination mode are superior compared to the old one and can improve students comprehensive ability.



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