首页> 中文期刊>中华医学教育探索杂志 >寓传统医德于医学院校的中医教学



The ethics of Traditional Chinese Medicine are an important component of Chinese excellent traditional culture,which reflect the interests and expectations of working people.Because it justice but depreciating benefit',it has become the code of conduct for doctors to regulate,restrain,and spur themselves for thousands of years.Under the impacts of market economy,the traditional ethics is hard for young medical students to avoid money worship and other unhealthy thoughts.Therefore,it is essential to instill the merits of traditional medical ethits into the education of Traditional Chinese Medicine in western institutions.in older to lay a good foundation for the country to cultivate medical talents with excellent medical skills and gracious medical ethics.It Can be convinced that if the ethics of traditional Chinese medicine of long standing integrated with modem think well,it will recreate the enormous times value to the traditional ethics.%中医传统医德是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分.她反映了广大劳动人民的利益和愿望,崇尚"生命至重"的信念,倡导"医乃仁术"的思想,强调"医贵乎精"的理念,恪守"贵义贱利"的准则,是数千年来医生规范自我、独善其身、鞭策奋进的行为规范.在当今市场经济的冲击下,青年医学生难免受到拜金主义等不健康思想的影响.因此,有必要把传统医德的内容贯穿于医学院校的中医教学之中,为国家培养医德高尚、医术高超的医学人才打下良好的基础.



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