首页> 中文期刊>中国海商法研究 >关于侵权诉因排除提单管辖权条款适用的反思——以无单放货案件的处理为视角




提单的管辖权是正确处理无单放货等提单纠纷的首要问题。提单的管辖权条款属于协议管辖,是国际私法中“当事人意思自治原则”的产物。无单放货案件存在违约责任与侵权责任竞合的情形,所谓的“侵权纠纷一般不适用协议管辖条款”的规则并不能当然适用。根据现行法以及民事侵权的基本法理,分析中国法院用于否定提单管辖权条款适用的“侵权诉因”及“与争议没有实际联系”两个主要事由,认为以“侵权诉因”排除提单管辖权条款适用的做法不仅于法无据,而且违背法理;而以“与争议没有实际联系”作为否定承运人总部或主营业地之管辖连接点的理由也过于极端。在上述批评的基础上,提出解决提单管辖权条款问题的三点策略。%The jurisdiction is the initial issue of cases of bill of lading, and the jurisdiction clause means the parties' agreement on their own free will. A dispute arises over bill of lading, such as delivery of goods without bill of lading, usually exists a breach of contract matching with infringement of rights, and in which the rule of so-called "an action brought in respect of infringement rules out agreement of the jurisdiction'should generally be disobeyed. This text analyzes the two negative reasons, i.e. the above-mentioned rule and "non-genuine link with the dispute", which mainly concerning non-application of the jurisdiction clause of bill of lading in judicial practice, and then submits 3 points of proposals to help problem solved.



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