首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实验诊断学》 >微螺钉正畸支抗种植体周围龈沟液MMP-9研究




目的 探讨微螺钉正畸支抗种植体周围龈沟液中金属基质蛋白酶9(MMP-9)与种植体周围炎的关系.方法 选择在天津泰达医院就诊接受微螺钉正畸支抗种植体治疗的患者34名(共52枚种植体),按照临床指标标准分为种植体周围组织健康组[改良菌斑指数(mPLI)≤1,改良龈沟出血指数(mBI≤1)、探诊深度(PD)≤3 mm,、种植体周围组织无红肿,该组共16枚种植体]和种植体周围组织炎症组(mPLI>1、mBI>1、PD>3 mm,视诊可见种植体周围黏膜红肿,36枚种植体).检测并记录所有微螺钉正畸支抗种植体mPLI、mBI、PD;检测龈沟液量及其中MMP-9质量浓度(双抗夹心ELISA法).结果 (1)种植体周炎症组的PD值、mPLI值、mBI值、龈沟液量、MMP-9质量浓度均高于种植体周健康组(P<0.05).(2)种植体周围龈沟液中MMP-9质量浓度同各临床指标之间呈正相关关系.结论 微螺钉正畸支抗种植体周围组织龈沟液中MMP-9水平可以反应种植体周围软组织健康状况,为种植体周围炎早期诊断提供重要依据.%Objective To investigate the Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in the peri-implant sulcus fluid.rnMethods 52 microserew implants in 34 patients were selected from Tianjin TEDA hospital department of stomatology rnand divided into healthy group and peri implantitis group. The clinical parameters including probing depths (PD) ,modi rnfled plaque and calculus index(mPLI), modified gingival blooding index(mBI) were evaluated and peri implant sulcus rnfluid (P1SF) and MMP-9 levels were assessed by sandwich ELISA. Results (1) the volume of MMP-9 and clinical parnrameters (mPLI,mBI,PD) were higher in peri-implantitis group than in healthy group (P<0.05). (2) The MMP-9 rnlevel was positively related to the clinical indices. Conclusion The MMP-9 level in the peri-implant tissues is a very imrnportant factor in early diagnosis of peri implantitis.



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