首页> 中文期刊>中华医院管理杂志 >我国慢性病挑战与防控对策



Non-communicable-diseases(NCDs)have become leading death causes and major health challenges for the Chinese people,incurring direct and indirect economic burden of diseases on families and the society,and even posing a serious threat to social-economic development sustainability of the country.Given their complex causes,NCDs mostly result from unhealthy lifestyle of the individuals,along with complex multiple social determinants.Evidences from home and abroad prove NCDs as preventable and controllable,which call for powerful government policy commitments and leadership.The government should make health policies part of social policies,build such intervention platform as Healthy City,rebuild the health service system,promote universal coverage of cost-effective interventions,and involve the entire society,reinforce general measures such as planning and performance monitoring.All of which can achieve desired outcomes for NCD control in the end.%慢性病是我国居民的主要死因和主要健康问题,可对家庭和社会带来直接和间接的经济损失,甚至成为影响经济社会可持续发展的重要问题.慢性病病因复杂,主要是不良生活方式的结果,但其背后有复杂的社会决定因素.国内外经验表明,慢性病是可防可控的,必须通过加强政府的政策承诺和领导,将卫生政策融入所有社会政策,建立健康城市等综合干预平台,重构医疗服务体系,普及推广具有成本效益措施以及动员全社会参与,强化规划和监督评价考核等综合措施,才能取得更好的防控效果.



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