首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生政策研究 >国际精神卫生筹资现状及对我国的启示




财政投入不足及资金使用效率不高是全球范围内精神卫生服务领域面临的共同困境。国际上普遍采取的精神卫生筹资渠道有税收、社会保险和自费等,其中政府是最主要的筹资主体。我国精神卫生筹资总体水平较低,公平性差,且资金分配机制不合理。本文认为,为完善我国精神卫生筹资政策,需将卫生筹资纳入精神卫生法和精神卫生工作纲要,并明确政府尤其是中央政府对精神卫生的财政投入责任,在资金分配中向社区倾斜,提高资金使用效率。%Insufficient financial investments and insufficient raised funds are a common dilemma in mental health service worldwide .The primary sources of mental health financing worldwide are taxes , social insurance , and out-of-pocket expenditure by the patient or family .Government plays the primary role in fund raising .China has a low level of mental health service and poor equity in mental health financing as well as irrational allocation of funds . Mental health financing system in China should be improved by adding the financing system into mental health law and the outline of the central mental health work while making it clear that government , especially central govern-ment, is the main subject of mental health financing .Community mental health should also have the priority over fund allocation in order to increase the efficiency of raising funds .



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