首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生政策研究 >我国社会办医发展现状研究




目的:分析我国社会资本办医的发展现状。方法:以国家卫生和计划生育委员会发布的卫生统计年鉴数据为基础,从机构数、床位、卫生人员、市场份额、地域分布等角度进行分析,并将社会医疗机构与公立医疗机构的发展状况进行对比。结果:2012年,全国社会医疗机构总数44.7万家,床位总数63.3万张,其中86%的民办医院床位数在100张以下;民办医院的卫生人员共65.5万人,其中,民办医院执业(助理)医师比例明显高于公立医院;全国民办医院诊疗人次和住院人次分别为25295.3万和1396.3万,床位使用率为63.2%;中西部地区社会医疗机构发展较为缓慢。结论:目前我国社会医疗机构中,民办医院的发展势头优于民办基层医疗卫生机构,但总体上民办医院在所有医疗机构中的占比仍然偏小,床位规模较大的医院比例较低。社会医疗机构的医务人员特别是护士资源匮乏,与公立医疗机构相比其市场竞争力不足,且区域发展不均衡。%Objective:To analyze the development of private medical institutions in China. Methods:National health statistics yearbooks of year 2009 to 2013 were chosen to be the database. A literature review was used to ana-lyze the development of private medical institutions in China in detail from the perspective of agencies, beds, health workers, market share, and regional distribution. Contrastive analysis was used for the development of private and public medical institutions. Results:In 2012, the total number of national private medical institutions was 447,000;the total number of beds in private medical institutions was 633 ,000;the percentage of private hospitals with less than 100 beds was 86%; and the health personnel in private hospitals was 655 , 000 . The ( assistant ) medical practitioners’ ratio of private hospitals was significantly higher than that of public hospitals. The number of outpatient visitors was 253 million;there were 14 million inpatients;and the percentage of beds occupied was only 63 . 2%;pri-vate medical institutions in the central and western regions were relatively undeveloped. Conclusion: At present, of all private medical institutions, hospitals are developing faster than other institutions. However, the proportion of these hospitals is still small, and the percentage of big hospitals is low. Personnel of private medical institutions, es-pecially nursing resources is far from adequate. The market competitiveness of private medical institutions is insuffi-cient compared with public medical institutions, and development is uneven geographically.



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