首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生政策研究》 >青岛市大病医疗救助政策实施效果评估




目的:评估青岛市大病救助政策实施成效,为青岛市政策改革提供建议.方法:选取非小细胞肺癌、肝癌作为病种代表,实证分析大病救助政策实施对患者和医疗保险机构的影响,评估政策实施成效.结果:政策出台后,肺癌患者的自付比降幅为40.57%,范围内基金支出的压力显著降低;肝癌患者的自付比降幅为7.13%,范围内基金支出的压力并未得到有效缓解.结论:青岛市大病救助政策不仅减轻了重大疾病或罕见病患者的医疗负担,而且实现了医保基金的精细化管理,提高了基金的使用效率.%Objective: In order to evaluate the effect of catastrophic disease medical assistance policy in Qingdao and provide suggestions for Qingdao policy reform.Methods: This paper selects NSCLC and liver cancer as the typical deceases to analyze the effects of the policy on patients and medical insurance institutions and finally evaluate the effect of the policy.Results: results shows that after the implementation of special medicines and special medical equipment assistance, the rate of co-paying patients decreased 40.57%, and the pressure on medical insurance institutions' expenditure was significantly reduced;while after the implementation of large cost assistance, but rate of co-paying patients only decreased 7.13%, and the pressure on medical insurance institutions' expenditure was not effectively alleviated.Conclusions: Therefore, the policy not only protects patients with catastrophic disease by greatly reducing their medical burdens, but it also achieves the fine management of medical insurance fund and increases the efficiency of the fund.



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