首页> 中文期刊> 《中国健康教育》 >493名护理人员对人感染禽流感 H7N9知识知晓情况调查

493名护理人员对人感染禽流感 H7N9知识知晓情况调查



Objective To evaluate the awareness of prevention knowledge about H7N9avian influenza among nurs-ing staff in a class A tertiary hospital for improving theircare ability.Methods Aself-designed questionnaire for basic knowl-edge of H7N9 avian influenza was used in the study.Results The correct response rates of the source of infection,the in-cubation period,and whether belongs to enhanced protection in nursing staff was 94.3%,71.4%,50.9%.The worst an-swer was mode of transmission (1.4%).In terms of training content,the demand for personal protection issues accounted for 90.3%.About the form of training,the need focused on lectures and case teaching accounted for 80.7% and 68.4%, respectively.Nursing staff qualifications and training departments significantly associated with the score (P <0.05).Con-clusion H7N9 bird flu prevention and control training should be provided to nursing staffs according to their different de-grees and departments.The training contents and the forms should be established based on the weak aspects and the needs of nursing staff.%目的:了解北京某三级甲等专科医院护理人员对 H7N9禽流感基础知识知晓率,以有针对性开展干预,提高护理人员对 H7N9禽流感预防和护理水平。方法采用自行设计的 H7N9禽流感基础知识进行问卷调查。结果护理人员回答传染源、潜伏期、是否属于加强防护问题的正确率分别是94.3%、71.4%和50.9%,对传播方式回答的正确率最差(1.4%)。在 H7N9型禽流感防控培训内容方面,对个人防护问题的需求占90.3%;在培训形式需求中,集中授课及案例教学式培训分别占80.7%及68.4%。护理人员文化程度、所在科室类别与培训得分之间差异有统计学意义(回归系数的假设检验,P <0.05)。结论 H7N9型禽流感防控培训应针对不同的文化程度及科室分层进行,培训内容和形式应充分考虑护理人员的薄弱环节和现实需求。



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