首页> 中文期刊> 《中华保健医学杂志》 >健康飞行人员V1导联T波形态特点分析




Objective To study the characteristics of the lead V1 T wave shape in healthy flight personnel to providing normal reference data for the change form TV1 in clinical application. Methods Statistic analysis of lead V1 T wave shape among 4120 cases of the flight personnel's, data of physical examination and the dynamic observation of T waves in 492 cases were analyzed. Results The lead V1 T wave appears in 5 kinds of forms:erect (53.76%),invert (22.81%),flat (12.60%), diphase (7.33%)and doublet (3.50%).As the age increasing,the ratio of the vertical form reduces,and the proportion of flat form and invert form has an increasing tendency(P<0.05);The records of electrocardiogram in different time show the lead V1 T wave amplitude may change,most variations ≤S0.10 mV,accounted for 61.38%(302/492),while minority amount for 18.5% with T wave even or have polarity change, however no myocardial ischemia and related symptoms. The healthy flight personnel may appear Tv1>TV5 (V6),the rate is 3.96%(163/ 4120)and dominant in people under 40 years old(79.14% of all the 163 cases). TV1>TV5(v6)Can appear or disappear in series record of electrocardiogram. There are 33 routine treadmill exercise testing's show negative results. Conclusions The T wave shapes in lead V1 of the healthy flight personnel are variant,and may have dynamic change. To judge the clinical value,we should consider about the client's age, gender, symptom, and coronary heart disease risk factors.%目的 探讨健康飞行人员V1导联T波形态特点,为V1导联T波形态变化的临床应用提供正常参考数据.方法 统计分析4120例飞行人员V1导联T波形态和体检鉴定资料,并对492例T波进行动态观察.结果 V1导联T波可呈5种形态:直立(53.76%)、倒置(22.81%)、平坦(12.60%)、双相(7.33%)和双峰(3.50%),并且随着年龄增长,T波直立比例有逐渐减少、平坦和倒置比例有逐渐增多的趋势(P<0.05);不同次记录的心电图,V1导联T波振幅可有变动,多数变动幅度≤0.10 mV,占70.98% (252/355),少数(7.32%)T波甚至可发生极性改变,但无心肌缺血等相关症状出现;健康飞行人员可出现V1的T波>V5或V6的T波现象,发生率为3.96%(163/4120),40岁以下者多见(占总例数79.14%),并且不同次记录的心电图,V1的T波>V5或V6的T波表现时有时无,33例行活动平板运动试验呈阴性.结论 健康飞行人员V1导联T波形态多样,并可发生动态变化,判断其临床价值,必须考虑受检者年龄、性别、症状以及冠心病危险因子等因素.



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