首页> 中文期刊>中华实验眼科杂志 >大力开展中国眼组织工程的研究和转化



眼组织工程是利用特定生物学活性的组织、细胞或支架材料在体外或体内构建成为眼部的组织和器官,用以维持、修复或诱导组织再生,使眼部组织器官功能得到改善或提高的一个科学方向.随着社会人口的老龄化和平均寿命的延长,眼组织工程与再生医学正逐渐成为眼科学的重要发展方向之一,其相关产品和技术研究将成为未来眼科医用替代类医疗器械的热点.大力发展中国的眼组织工程基础研究,不断革新眼组织工程技术是促进中国眼组织工程产业发展的基础,包括将相关领域的基础研究成果向工业化生产和应用等方面转化的研究,将大大提高中国在此领域的国际地位和研究市场竞争能力,为中国眼科学的发展提供新的动力.%Eye tissue engineering is a new direction of scientific research.It applies body tissues,cells or scaffolds with specific biological activities in vitro or in vivo to construct ocular tissues or organs in order to promote and improve the ocular physical functions by maintaining,repairing and inducing tissue regeneration.With the increase of aging population and average life expectancy,eye tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will become an important researching area of ophthalmology,and its relevant products and technologies can become a platform for future alternative medical equipment applications in ophthalmology.Greater efforts on the basic research and continuous innovation of eye tissue engineering technologies in China,including translational medicine from basic research to industrial production and medical applications,will significantly build up the foundation of eye tissue engineering industry in China and greatly improve its competitiveness in international medical marketing,and these research achivements will provide new power for the development of ophthalmology in China.



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