首页> 中文期刊>中国循证心血管医学杂志 >2013~2014年甘肃省吸烟者高血压患病现况调查




目的 了解甘肃省2013~2014年吸烟者高血压患病状况.方法 按照多阶段分层整群抽样的原则抽样,对样本进行问卷调查、体格检查、血压测量等.结果 此次调查共计15430例,高血压患者3993例,患病率25.88%.男性和女性高血压患病率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).不吸烟者共11758例,高血压患病率24.79%;每天都吸烟者3003例,高血压患病率30.57%;偶尔吸烟者669例,高血压患病率23.92%.每天都吸烟者高血压患病率高于不吸和偶尔吸烟者,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05).吸烟时间少于6个月的人群,高血压患病率为17.98%;6~12个月,高血压患病率为20.51%;1年以上者,高血压患病率为30.35%.吸烟1年以上高血压患病率高于吸烟时间<6个月,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).高血压患者开始吸烟年龄、累计吸烟时间、接触二手烟时间高于正常人群,数值为[(25.03±9.06)年vs.(22.93±6.71)年]、[(29.34±14.36)vs.(19.97±14.35)年]和[(5.23±2.21)年vs.(4.49±2.38)年],差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05).结论 甘肃省吸烟频率和年限较高人群高血压患病率较高,需进一步加强对吸烟的控制和干预.%Objective To investigate the hypertensive prevalence in smoking population in Gansu Province from 2013 to 2014.Methods The population was sampled according to principle of multi-stage stratified cluster sampling, and then the samples were given questionnaire, physical examinations and blood pressure measurements. Results There were totally 15430 cases involved in the survey and 3993 hypertensive patients, and hypertension prevalence was 25.88%. The difference in hypertension prevalence had no statistical significance between male and female patients (P>0.05). There were totally 11758 non-smokers and hypertension prevalence was 24.79% among them. There were 3003 daily smokers and hypertension prevalence was 30.57% among them. There were 669 occasional smokers and hypertension prevalence was 23.92% among them. The hypertension prevalence was higher in daily smokers than that in non-smokers and occasional smokers (allP<0.05). The hypertension prevalence was 17.98% in smokers smoked for less than 6 m, 20.51% in smokers smoked from 6 to 12 m, and 30.35% in smokers smoked for more than 1 y. The hypertension prevalence was higher in smokers smoked for more than 1 y than that in smokers smoked for less than 6 m (P<0.05). The age of starting smoking [(25.03±9.06) yvs. (22.93±6.71) y], cumulative smoking time [(29.34±14.36) yvs.(19.97±14.35) y] and time of exposure to secondhand smoke [(5.23 ±2.21) yvs. (4.49±2.38) y] were higher in hypertensive patients than those in normal population (allP<0.05). Conclusion The hypertension prevalence is higher in the population with higher smoking frequency and longer duration in Gansu Province, and it is necessary to strengthen smoking control and intervention.



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