首页> 中文期刊> 《中国畜牧杂志》 >宁夏地区荷斯坦奶牛产奶量以及乳成分变化模型的构建与分析




In order to explore the Holstein cows in Ningxia area in Different Parities were milking characteristics,milk yield and milk composition variation of model was constructed.DHI data in Holstein cows in Ningxia area based using wood and cubic model construction of milk yield (DMY) and milk composition (milk fat percentage MFP,milk protein percentage MPP,somatic cell number of SCC,milk lactose percentage MLP and milk dry matter rate of MPP) variation with weeks of lactation (DIW),and to analyze the differences of different parities between DMY,MFP,MPP,MLP and MMP.The results showed that wood can better fit in Ningxia Holstein cows 1~4 parity lactation curves(the R2 was 0.84、0.75、0.47 and 0.64,respectively),cubic can better fitting milk protein rate curve(the R2 was 0.91、0.68、0.71 and 0.75,respectively).%为探索宁夏地区荷斯坦奶牛不同胎次的泌乳特征,本研究用Wood和Cubic函数构建产奶量及乳成分变化规律的模型,以2008-2016年宁夏地区荷斯坦奶牛的DHI数据为基础,构建产奶量(DMY)及乳成分(乳脂率MFP、乳蛋白率MPP、体细胞数SCC、乳糖率MLP和乳干物质率MMP)随泌乳周数(DIW)的变化规律,分析不同胎次间DMY、MFP、MPP、MLP和MSP的泌乳曲线的差异性.结果表明:Wood能较好地拟合宁夏地区荷斯坦奶牛1~4胎次的泌乳曲线(R2依次为0.84、0.75、0.47和0.64),Cubic能较好地拟合MPP的曲线(R2依次为0.91、0.68、0.71和0.75).



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