首页> 中文期刊> 《中国农业资源与区划》 >基于转变发展模式的四川与广东农业经济差异化分析




Aiming to explain the difference change of the agricultural economy between Sichuan and Guangdong province, this paper analyzed the impact of agricultural structure and its changes on agricultural economic growth in Sichuan and Guangdong province from 2000 to 2013, and compared 2 agricultural indexes, i. e. , the agricultural development pattern and the agricultural economy level, and the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery between the two provinces. The results showed that the agricultural structure adjustment in Sichuan province mainly focused on the rice cultivation and the pig animal husbandry, which mainly concentrated in the rice and fruit industry and the aquatic fishery products in Guangdong province. The crop farming had the greatest impact on the total agriculture output growth in both provinces. Animal husbandry in Sichuan province and fishery in Guangdong province also had great effects on agriculture economic growth. However, forestry had little effect on agriculture economic growth in Sichuan and Guangdong province.%文章通过分析2000~2013年四川省与广东省的农业结构及其变动对农业经济增长的影响,分析比较四川省与广东省的农业发展模式、 农业经济水平等2个农业指标,分析比较2省农林牧渔业总产值的差异,用以解析四川省与广东省农业经济差异性变化的原因.结果表明,四川省农业结构调整主要集中在以水稻等粮食为主的种植业与以生猪等肉类为主的畜牧业上;广东省农业结构调整主要集中在以粮食、 水果为主的种植业与以水产品为主的渔业上.其中,种植业的增长对2省农业总产出增长的拉动能力均是最大,四川省的畜牧业、 广东省的渔业对农业经济也有一定影响,而2省的林业对农业经济的影响均为较小.



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