首页> 中文期刊> 《中国农业资源与区划》 >加入WTO后河北农业资源利用态势及效率分析




[目的]选择"加入WTO后河北农业资源利用态势及效率分析"为题,意在进一步合理利用农业资源,提高资源利用效率.[方法]以河北省农业资源系统为研究对象,采用比值分析和历史比较分析相结合的方法,对2001~2015年的河北农业资源利用态势及耕地资源、 水资源以及化肥资源等主要农业资源的利用效率进行分析评价.[结果](1)从2001年底加入WTO到2015年的14年间,河北省耕地面积和作物播种面积都有不同程度减少,但粮食总产量基本保持增长态势,种植业产值更是大幅增长;耕地资源利用效率逐年提高.(2)农业用水量和农田灌溉用水量基本上都呈逐年下降态势,水资源利用效率持续提高.(3)化肥施用总量逐年增长,在化肥施用结构中,氮肥和磷肥所占比例逐年减小,钾肥和复合肥所占比例逐年提升;化肥利用效率逐年提高.[结论]2001~2015年,河北省农业资源利用效率持续提高,农业资源利用呈现出"资源节约,效率提高"的运行态势.但河北省农业资源禀赋有限,珍惜并保护好耕地资源,合理利用水资源,控制并科学施用化肥,仍将是保障河北农业和社会经济可持续发展的长期主题.%To further make rational use of agricultural resources and improve resources using efficiency, taking the agricultural resources system as the research objects and combining the methods of ratio analysis and historical com-parison, this paper analyzed and evaluated the utilization situation and the using efficiency of main agricultural re-sources including arable land, water and fertilizer, etc, from 2001-2015. The results showed:1. During the peri-od of 14 years from China′s entry into WTO by the end of 2001 to 2015 , both of the arable land area and crop so-wing area were reduced, but the total output of grain production remained increasing, especially the cereals crops production value increased in large scale and the using efficiency of arable land also increased year by year. 2. Ag-ricultural water use and irrigation water use declined year by year, and the water use efficiency continually im-proved. 3. Fertilizer application amount increased year by year. The proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus de-creased year by year, while the potassium and compound fertilizer increased year by year. Agricultural resource use showed the features of resource saving and efficiency improving. But the endowment of agricultural resources in He-bei province was limited. To protect the arable land resources, making use of water resources and controlling fertil-izer use will be a long term topic to ensure sustainable agriculture and social and economic development in Hebei province.



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