首页> 中文期刊> 《中国美容医学》 >乌鲁木齐在校大学生颞下颌关节紊乱病流行病学调查




目的:探讨颞下颌关节紊乱病在乌鲁木齐市在校大学生中的患病情况。方法:随机抽取乌鲁木齐市五所大学大一至大三年级各族在校大学生1223名,进行颞下颌关节紊乱病流行病学调查。调查内容包括一般项目、病史回顾、口腔健康行为、临床检查等四方面。统计学分析用SPSS18.0统计软件,行卡方检验,检验水准定义为:若P>0.05,差别无统计学意义;若P<0.05,差别有统计学意义。结果:颞下颌关节紊乱病的患病率为51.1%,男性患病率为48.91%,女性患病率为53.93%,女性患病率高于男性,男女患病率差别无统计学意义(P=0.081)。异常颌组发病率显著高于正常颌组,咬合关系在TMD组和非TMD组之间差别无统计学意义(P=0.184)。结论:第一磨牙患龋状况、不良习惯及精神因素在TMD组和非TMD组之间差别有统计学意义。%Objective To study the prevalence and distribution of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and the related factors to TMD among undergraduates in Urumqi.Methods A sample of 1 223 persons was randomly selected from Urumqi five Universities in process of epidemiological survey. Research include:general data,medical history review, oral health behavior,clinical examination.SPSS18.0 software package was used for data analysis. Inspection level is defined as:ifP>0.05,there was no statistical significance, ifP<0.05,with statistical significance.Results Prevalence rate of temporomandibular disorders is 51.1%, prevalence rate of male is 48.91% and female is 53.93%,there were no significant difference between male and female in prevalence rate of temporomandibular disorders(P=0.081). The incidence of TMD in malocclusion group was higher than that in group without malocclusion. There were no signiifcant difference between TMD group and normal group in occluding relation(P=0.184).Conclusion TMD is associated with some factors as ifrst molar caries status,bad habits(big mouth opening habit,chewing-side preference,bruxism and clenching)and mental factor.



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