首页> 中文期刊>中国历史文物 >两幅宫廷绘画所见建筑图像表现比较研究——兼论古代绘画中建筑图像作为建筑史研究材料的可信度问题




普陀宗乘之庙是清乾隆年间在热河仿照西藏布达拉宫修建的皇家寺庙。本文关注两幅分别描绘两处建筑落成典礼场面的宫廷绘画,采用图像与实物间对读、图像之间对读的方法,研究了两处建筑在图像中的表现方式。研究表明,它们对各自描绘的建筑实物采取了完全相反的表现方式,包括观者视角、建筑表现方式和人群状态等。对这些差异的分析在一定程度上揭示了图像背后蕴含的建筑本质属性和建造者的心理动机,而这又取决于各自不同的历史形势与政治生态,同时也说明了绘画中建筑图像与其描绘的建筑实物本身之间关系的复杂性。%The Temple of Potaraka Doctrine, built in jehol Province during the Qianlong period in Qing Dynasty, is an imitation of the Potala at Lhasa. This article introduces two court paintings representing temple buildings' completion ceremonies and studies the architecture's graphic representation by comparing the images with the real objects and comparing the images. The research shows two opposite representations in terms of point of view, architecture, and the people's behaviours. The analysis reveals the architecture's nature and the patron's motivation behind the images. These differences are due to the different historical context and political ecology. The result also shows the complexity of relations between graphic representation and the object.



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