首页> 中文期刊>中国历史文物 >辉县琉璃阁与太原赵卿墓相关问题




辉县琉璃阁东周墓地的国别有卫国公室说和晋国范卿说。有学者对琉璃阁范卿墓地提出质疑,本文就学界颇有争议的几个实质性的问题展开辩论。太原赵卿墓(M251)墓主有简子说和襄子说。1994年太原金胜村发掘的M674、M673等墓,墓主为赵卿的属臣,时代与赵卿墓相当,从而佐证1988年发掘的M251墓主为赵鞅(?一前475年)。赵卿墓地年代的确定,为琉璃阁西区M75、M76、M1墓主头向东的大墓年代判定提供了依据。%The Eastern Zbou tombs at Liulige, Huixian, Henan Province probably belong to either the Wei state royal family or Fan Qing of the Jin state. Scholors question the second hypothesis. This paper discusses several disputes,the tomb of Zhao Qing (M251) at Taiyuan likely belongs to Jianzi or Xiangzi. qhe tombs M674 and M673 found in 1994 at Jinsheng village, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province belong to officials subordinate to Zhao Qing and are contemporary to Zhao Qing' s tomb. Therefore, the tomb M251 excavated in 1988 should belong to Zhao Yang (? -475 BC). The definite date ofZhao Qing' s tomb gives evidence for the dates of big tombs M75, M76 and M1 in the west of Liulige.



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