首页> 中文期刊>中国历史文物 >公元前一千纪后半中韩交流的考古学探究




The second half of the first millennium BC witnessed the rising of the population migration and cultural communication between mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. Many archaeological discoveries have provided evidence for this communication: the Chinese-style bronze swords excavated from Sanglim-li, Wanju-gun were made in the mid 4th century BC by craftsmen who came from Wu and Yue states of China and stayed in the southwestern coastal area of Korea; the imported iron articles dating between the 4th century and the 1st century BC excavated in Korea were from Yan and Qi states of China; the Korean burial convention with the urn from the 3rd century BC to the Christian era was influenced by the convention in the coastal regions along the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. Starting in the mid 4th century BC, the China-Korea communication reached three high tides afterwards. The communication routes included the "Liaodong-Korean Peninsula" land route, the water route around the Yellow Sea and the inverted U-shaped maritime route along the Yellow Sea.%公元前一千纪后半,是中国大陆和朝鲜半岛之间人群移动和文化交流逐步兴盛的一个时期.考古发现和比较研究表明:韩国完州郡上林里出土的"中国式"铜剑,是公元前4世纪中叶从中国大陆东渡到韩国西南部沿海一带的吴越铸剑工匠在当地铸造的;韩国出土的公元前4世纪末至公元前1世纪的舶载铁器,是分别从中国大陆的燕地和齐地传入的;韩国公元前3世纪至公元纪年前后的"横置式"前期瓮棺葬,是在中国大陆黄海和渤海沿岸地区瓮棺葬的影响下产生的.中韩交流于公元前4世纪中叶拉开了序幕,后来又经历了三次浪潮.其交流的路线,既有连接辽东和朝鲜半岛北部的"辽东——朝鲜半岛"陆路,更有"环黄海之路"水路,即沿黄海近海北上、东进、南下的倒"U"字形海上交通路线.



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