首页> 中文期刊>中国历史文物 >唐宋洛阳宫城御苑九洲池初探




九洲池是隋唐宋洛阳宫城内一处重要的池苑建筑,荟萃了唐宋园林建筑艺术的精华,可谓中国古代皇家园林的杰出典范.本文根据考古资料,对九洲池遗址进行考古分期,对不同时期九洲池的形状规模、池岸结构、池底结构、池中岛屿及建筑等园林要素进行归纳.分析九洲池的宫苑布局特点:"广水无山",平地筑园;多岛屿,九洲池中发现十多处大小不同的岛屿,中国古典园林的"一池三山"的传统依然存在,但并不拘泥于"三"这个数目;园林建筑形式多样,既有长廊建筑,又有亭类建筑,还有殿阁建筑;巧妙应用"尺度设计";生物配置范围广泛,品种丰富."园囿之废兴,洛阳盛衰之候也",九洲池始建于隋代,得益于汉魏时期引谷工程而形成的小面积水域,唐代扩大面积,成为政治舞台,宋代九洲池面积变小,随着北宋西京政治地位的衰落,皇家的九洲池也随之衰落、废弃.%Jiuzhouchi (九洲池, literally "The Pool with Nine Islets") is an important garden of Luoyang in the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties. It embodies the essence of the Tang and Song gardens' architecture art and is an outstanding example of the ancient Chinese imperial gardens. By referring to archaeological materials, this article divides the Jiuzhouchi site into several archaeological stages and summarizes its characteristics in different times. The current author analyzes the elaborate layout of the garden in terms of its pools, islets, hills, corridors, pavilions, temples and even animals and plants. Tthe situation of the imperial garden is usually closely related to the social context. Jiuzhouchi was at first built in the Sui dynasty on the basis of a small area of water formed in the Han and Wei dynasties, then was enlarged and bloomed in the Tang dynasty, and at last declined with the fall of the Northern Song dynasty.



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