首页> 中文期刊>中国服装 >魏晋士人的身体意识




From the pre Oin period to the Hen Dynasties, under the restriction of traditional Confucian ethics, bodies were the tools to represent the difference of people" s hierarchies and social orders. The first point to be emphasized was not the original natural Quality but the great social attribute, so the rightful desire and the aesthetic needs of bodies were veiled. The Wei and din, Southern and Northern Dynasties were a period of the awakening of individuality. The turbulence of the society and the rising of the metaphysics provided a good chance for scholar officials to aware and liberate bodies. While resisting the Confucian doctrine, scholar-officials in Wei and Jin Dynasties found the value and meaning of bodies, besides, they used bodies to express the revolt and transcendence to the political reality, Confucian ethics and the rigmarole thought of study of Confucian classics.%摘要从先秦至两汉.在传统儒家礼教莉约下.身体一直是甩来表现等级差异和社会秩序的工具.人们首先强调的不是其原本的自然属性而是巨大的社会属性.因此身体的正当欲望与审美需求授遮蔽7,魏晋南北朝是一个个体自觉的时代,时局的动荡与玄学的龌起为士人的身体发现.身体解敬提供了契机,魏琶士人在反抗儒家教条的同时发现7身体的价值和意义.并胃身体表现出对现实政治.儒家礼教以及繁琐的经学思想的反抗与超越,



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