首页> 中文期刊>中国体育科技 >国际瑜伽研究演进脉络与前沿动态的体育竞争情报分析




为了深入揭示国际瑜伽研究发展状况,以美国Web of science(WOS )TM 核心合集数据库为数据源,通过关键词检索,获取1985-2014年相关数据。运用Cite Space软件对数据进行计量分析,绘制知识图谱。结合内容分析与数据挖掘,对国际瑜伽研究演进脉络与前沿动态展开体育竞争情报分析。研究结果认为,30年来,国际上对瑜伽的科研数量不断上升,研究领域涉及13个学科门类的109个研究方向,热点研究领域主要集中在医学、教育学、工学、体育学等方面。美国位居国际瑜伽研究领域的发文量之首,其次为印度、加拿大、英国、德国、澳大利亚,中国也是瑜伽研究的活跃国家。印度的研究力量以专门的瑜伽科研机构为主,欧、美国家则以高校和医学研究委员会的科研人员为主力军,各自形成了国际化的研究团队。我国研究团队的集聚性和整合程度相对不足,国际间的合作与交流仍需加强。国际瑜伽研究以运动、冥想、身体活动、替代疗法为主要内容,以女性和老年人为主要研究对象,并逐渐涉及到男性群体。以瑜伽干预作为医学辅助治疗方法,对腰背部疼痛、心血管疾病、抑郁、失眠、哮喘、情绪和骨骼肌力量等的积极影响是当前国际瑜伽领域研究的前沿热点。并在近年来有将瑜伽引入运动训练和竞赛,把其作为体能训练、运动后疲劳消除和赛前运动员心理调节方法手段等的趋势,这可能会演化为今后体育领域瑜伽科研一个新的前沿热点。%In order to further investigate the international Yoga research frontier dynamic condi‐tion ,the author in the WOS core collection database as the data source ,by keywords retrieval , access to relevant data of 1985—2014 .By applying Cite Space software analyzing measured data ,the knowledge mapping .Content analysis and data mining ,discuss the evolution of sports competitive intelligence research context and advanced Yoga .Results :30 years of research on the international Yoga quantity rising ,research field involved in 109 research direction of 13 , hot research areas are mainly concentrated in medical science ,education ,technology ,sports , etc .The United States in the international Yoga research in the field of number ,followed by India ,Canada ,Britain ,Germany ,Australia ,China .India's research strength is given priority to yoga institutions ,European and American countries in colleges and medical research council's scientific research personnel as the main force ,each formed the international team of research‐ers .In China international cooperation and communication is inadequate .International research with exercise ,meditation ,Yoga ,physical activity ,alternative therapies as the main content ,and the women and the elderly as the main research object ,on the basis of also gradually comes to men .Yoga intervention as medical auxiliary treatment method of back pain ,cardiovascular dis‐ease ,depression ,insomnia ,asthma ,mood and skeletal muscle strength and so on the positive impact is at the forefront of research focuses in the current international Yoga field .And in re‐cent years ,there are introducing Yoga sports training and competition and the recovery after a physical training ,movement and before the trend of the psychological adjustment methods such as athletes ,this could turn into a sports field in the future a new frontier science research hot Yoga .



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