首页> 中文期刊> 《中国科技论文》 >黄土高原水土流失型非点源污染过程模拟研究进展




Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil and water loss area of the Loess Plateau not only reduces the utilization rate of fertilizer,but also is a potential threat to aquatic environments.This study takes the typicality of soil and nutrient loss in the Lo-ess Plateau Region as a starting point to deeply analyse and systematically summarize the basic status of the Loss Plateau,the re-search progress of hydrological process,soil erosion,erosion-type nonpoint source pollution and its control strategies of the Loess Plateau.Aiming at the few existing studies on the Loess Plateau,the key research directions of nonpoint source pollution in the Loess Plateau for the future were proposed,such as the loss mechanism of nonpoint source pollution,the load estimation method of nonpoint source pollution in the Loess Plateau,the coupled model of water,sediment and pollution in the Loess Plateau,the combined application of 3S technology and control strategies of erosion-type nonpoint source pollution in the Loess Plateau etc.This re-sult may provide reference for studying the modeling process of erosion-type nonpoint source pollution in the Loess Plateau.%黄土高原严重的水土流失造成了土壤氮磷流失,不仅降低了化肥的利用率,而且对水环境造成了潜在威胁。从黄土高原区水土与养分流失的典型性入手,剖析和总结了黄土高原区基本概况、水文过程、土壤侵蚀、水土流失型非点源污染过程模拟及防控策略等的研究进展。针对目前黄土高原区尤其是黄土丘陵沟壑区非点源污染研究较少,提出了未来黄土高原地区非点源污染的研究方向与建议:黄土区非点源污染物流失机理,非点源污染负荷估算方法,流域水、沙、污染物耦合模型以及3S 技术与流域非点源污染防控决策耦合应用等。



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