首页> 中文期刊>中国铁道科学 >铁路超限货物限界距离计算方法




At present, the difference between half width of the structure gauge and half width of out-of-gauge goods is commonly taken as the distance between out-of-gauge goods and structure gauge. However, the influence of length of out-of-gauge goods and the influence of the calculating point position of out-of-gauge goods along the longitudinal direction of the vehicle are neglected. The paper puts forward that the most massive space occupied by the stationary vehicle loaded with out-of-gauge goods can be the foundation for calculating the distance between out-of-gauge goods and structure gauge. Based on the analysis of conditions of the stationary vehicle on straight lines and on curves, some formulae for calculating the distance between out-of-gauge goods and structure gauge, including the formulae whenever the calculating point of out-of-gauge goods is located between or beyond the center pins of two bogies of vehicles on straight lines and on curves, are deduced and verified, which provide the scientific basis for determining the transport condition of out-of-gauge goods and for guaranteeing the safety of out-of-gauge goods transport.%针对目前以建筑限界半宽与超限货物半宽的差值作为超限货物限界距离的通常计算方法中.未考虑超限货物长度以及超限货物计算点在超限货车纵方向的位置等因素对限界距离计算的影响,提出采用超限货车在线路停留时占用的最大空间作为计算超限货物限界距离的依据,并在分析超限货车在直线和曲线线路上停留工况的基础上,分别推导出直线和曲线线路上超限货物计算点位于超限货车两转向架中心销之间及外方时,超限货物限界距离的计算公式,并进行了实例验证,为合理确定超限货物运输条件及保证超限货物运输安全提供科学依据.



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