首页> 中文期刊>中国铁道科学 >铁路路基戈壁土填料级配及压实特性分析




通过对新疆戈壁地区某铁路路基试验段各工点填料的颗粒分析试验、重型击实试验、振动击实试验以及现场的压实质量K<,30>检测,分析戈壁粗粒土的颗粒组成、颗粒级配、粗颗粒含量及细颗粒含量对压实效果的影响.分析表明:新疆戈壁地区填料主要为不均匀级配不连续土,大部分属于B组填料,且由东向西由细变料,属于缺级粗粒土,填料中1~2 mm粒径含量相对偏少,是造成填料级配不良的因素之一;填料中粗颗粒含量及细粒含量对最大于密度的影响显著,且存在着良好的线性关系.运用多元线性回归,建立了填料的颗粒级配特征粒径与最大干密度的回归方程.各工点现场K30.检测结果分析农明,当填料的级配处在泰勒理想级配范围内,填料中粗颗粒含量在60%~70%左右时,压实效果良好.%The particle size analysis test, heavy compaction test, the vibrated compaction test and the field detection of the compaction quality K30 were carried out on the filling materials of each working site in the test section of a certain railway subgrade in Xingjiang Gobi area.The influences of such factors of Gobi soil as the particle composition, particle grading, the content of the coarse particle and the content of the fine particles on the compaction effect were analyzed.The analyses show that the filling materials in Xingjiang Gobi area mainly are uneven and discontinuous grading soil, and a large portion belongs to group B.The filling materials are of gap-graded coarse particle soils and change from fine to coarse from east to west.The content of 1~2 mm particle size is relatively low, which is one of the factors resulting in the poor grading of the filling materials.The contents of the coarse and fine particles in the filling materials have remarkable impact on the maximum dry density, and there is a good linear relationship between the dry density and the content of coarse particles or the content of the fine particles.The regression equation between the characteristic particle size of the particle grading and the maximum dry density was established by multiple linear regression analysis.The field inspection results of K30 in each working site were analyzed.The results show that the compaction effect is good when the grading of the filling materials is within Tailor ideal grading and the content of the coarse particles is 60%~70%.



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