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Soft and Hard Tissue Changes Following Treatment of Class Ⅱ Division 1 Malocclusion with Twin-Block and Myofunctional Appliance: A Pilot Study


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Background Many cases of ClassⅡdeformities have been reported to be treated with prefabricated appliances.The aim of this study was to distinguish the clinical effect of traditional custom-made appliances and prefabricated appliances in the treatment of ClassⅡdivision 1 malocclusion.Therefore,soft and hard tissue changes following treatment of ClassⅡdivision 1 malocclusion using the twin-block(TB)appliance was compared to that using the Myofunctional Research Company(MRC)appliance(K1+K2)combined with oral myofunctional treatment(OMT)(MRC+OMT).Methods The study included 22 children(6 boys and 16 girls aged 9–11 years)with ClassⅡdivision 1 malocclusion along with mandibular retrognathism with a 5–12 mm overjet,basic normal maxillary status,and stage 2 or 3 cervical vertebral maturation(CVM).Participants were randomly assigned into two groups,the TB group and the MRC+OMT group for 12 months.Standardized lateral cephalograms were used to assess skeletal,dental,and soft tissue changes from pre-to post-treatment.Independent t-tests were used to compare the initial and final cephalometric status and tissue changes between the groups.Results The TB and MRC+OMT groups resulted in different degrees of lateral changes;however,improvements of skeletal and soft tissue indices were significantly greater in the TB group than in the MRC+OMT group.Conclusion TB was more effective than MRC+OMT in treating children aged 9–11 years with ClassⅡdivision 1 malocclusion.However,further research using custom-made appliances with OMT is recommended,and further investigations are needed to confirm these findings.
机译:据报道,许多案例的Ⅱ类案例曾被预制的电器处理。本研究的目的是区分传统定制电器和预制电器在Ⅱ类Ⅱ类暂性的临床疗效。因此,软组织变化在治疗Ⅱ类Division 1的情况下,使用双块(TB)设备进行比较,使用Myocunctional Research Company(MRC)器具(K1 + K2)与口腔肌功能治疗(OMT)(MRC + OMT)进行比较。方法包括22名儿童(6名男孩和16岁的女童,年龄在9-11岁的女童),Ⅱ类Division 1暂性,以及下颌再生,具有5-12毫米的超喷射,基本正常的上颌状况和第2阶段或3阶段脊髓成熟(CVM).participants是particapers随机分为两组,TB组和MRC + OMT组12个月。使用标准化的横向头皮图来评估骨骼,牙齿和软组织变化预治疗后。依赖性T检验用于比较初始和最终的头部测量状态和组织之间的组织变化。结果TB和MRC + OMT组导致不同程度的横向变化;然而,骨骼和改进骨骼和TB组软组织索引比MRC + OMT组在细胞组中明显大于MRC + OMT组。结论TB比MRC + OMT在治疗9-11岁的儿童Ⅱ类Ⅱ型麦克隆。然而,使用定制电器进一步研究推荐OMT,需要进一步调查来确认这些发现。




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