首页> 中文期刊>中国现代教育装备 >加强大学生综合素质培养提高学生就业能力-对北京工业大学实验学院毕业生及其就业单位的调查




Based on the investigation of graduate students of pilot college of Beijing University of Technology and the employer, it shows that comprehensive quality is a key factor that related to graduate students’ employment. Employers are satisifed with the training mode of school-enterprise cooperation. The students who had inter-ship in enterprise can quickly adapt the work in enterprise after they graduate, and can involve in projects. School-enterprise cooperation is not only the effective way to increase the comprehensive quality of students, but also can beneift both school, enterprise, and students. The increasing of the comprehensive need the joint effort of university, government, enterprise, society, family and students themselves.%对北京工业大学实验学院的毕业生及其就业单位的跟踪调查,显示综合素质成为制约大学生成才的关键因素,关系到大学生的就业。大学生的综合素质日益受到社会尤其是用人单位的重视。用人单位对经历过校企合作教育的毕业生非常满意,被企业留用的学生不需要适应期,直接走上工作岗位,进入一线项目组。大学生综合素质的培养需要高校、政府、企业、社会、家庭和学生本人的共同努力。



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