首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >全自动血气生化仪在急诊生化检验中的应用




目的:使用奥林巴斯全自动血气生化仪,比较肝素抗凝血浆和血清常规生化指标检测结果的差异性,探讨肝素抗凝血浆在急诊生化检验中的可行性。方法:选择210例患者,将其随机分为血清组和血浆组,每组105例。抽取两组患者的外周静脉血,分别装于普通干燥试管和放有肝素抗凝血浆的试管内,使用生化仪测定患者血清和血浆中10项急诊生化项目,对比分析肝素抗凝血浆对生化检验结果的影响,并对两组报告时间进行比较。结果:血清组和血浆组中血钾(K+)、钠(Na+)、镁(Mg2+)、氯(Cl-)、钙(Ca2+)、肌酐(Cr)、尿素氮(BUN)、尿酸(UA)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)以及葡萄糖(GLU)等数据相比差异不明显;血浆组K+浓度水平明显低于血清组,Na+浓度水平高于血清组,差异均具有统计学意义(t=8.167,t=4.361;P<0.05);血浆组报告时间明显少于血清组,差异具有统计学意义(t=22.94,P<0.05)。结论:肝素钠不溶于血,具有很强的抗凝能力,用于急诊生化检验能够避免血液凝固而影响检验结果,同时缩短报告时间,为患者赢得宝贵的救治时间,需要注意的是检验中需纠正K+浓度差。%Objective:To detect differences in results of routine biochemical indexesand serum anticoagulant heparin, explore the feasibility of plasma heparin in the emergency biochemical test in.Methods: Two hundred cases of patients in the emergency department of our hospital as the research object, peripheral venous blood samples, were installed on the ordinary drying tube and a heparin plasma in vitro, determination of 10 emergency patients in serum and plasma biochemical items using biochemical analyzer, comparative analysis of the effect of heparin plasmabiochemical test results, and to compare the two groups report time.Results: The difference of serum group and Mg2+ group, Cl-, plasma Ca2+, Cr, BUN, UA, ALT, GLU and other data is not obvious, no statistical significance, The plasma concentration of K+ group was significantly lower than serum group, serum concentration of Na+ was higher than group difference was significant, with statistical significance(t=8.167,t=4.361;P<0.05). Plasma group reported significantly less than the serum group(t=22.94,P<0.05).Conclusion: heparin sodium does not dissolve in the blood, with a strong ability for anticoagulation, emergency biochemical test can avoid the effect of blood coagulation test results, and shorten the time for patients toreport, to win the precious time, attention is needed to correct potassium ionconcentration difference test.



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