首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >等级复评与医院信息化的发展




目的:适应新的三甲复评要求,顺利通过医院信息化评审,促进医院信息化建设。方法:从医院到各科室不同层面逐条对应标准认真分析,找出差距。从书面资料、应用信息系统、功能点、服务器和网络硬件等方面抓好整改。结果:通过医院高度重视和科室间协同配合,医院信息化评审获得一次性通过。结论:医院的信息化建设必须持续改进,以提升医院的管理和服务水平。%Objective:To adapt to the new review requirements of third level of first-class hospital, passed the hospital informationization evaluation successfully, to promote the continuous development of hospital informatization.Methods: Analysis standard from the section level and hospital level One by one, find out the gap, implement of rectification from the written materials, application of information system and the function point, server and network hardware.Results:The hospital pay high attention to and strongly support as well as the efforts of all staff of our department, through the review of hospital informationization disposable.Conclusion:The hospital informationization construction only carries on, there is no complete, must improve continually, make unremitting efforts to improve hospital management and service level.



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