首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >基于JIT采购的医疗设备配件供应链管理研究




目的:探讨供应链管理模式下医疗设备配件采购的现状、问题及准时采购思想(JIT)的采购模式。方法:通过对比传统采购模式与JIT采购模式,分析目前医疗设备配件采购的现状,提出实施JIT采购的必然性。结果:JIT采购模式具有时间性强、快速、灵活及可靠的显著优势,不仅能够减轻库存压力,而且能够及时落实医疗设备零配件采购,提高采购效率,同时可实现供应商与采购商的信息交互。结论:尽管JIT采购模式应用时存在局限性,但以现代供应链理论和物流管理理论为指导的JIT采购模式仍具有较高的应用价值和广阔前景,医疗设备配件实施JIT采购是必然趋势。%Objective:To evaluate the status of medical equipment parts procurement, problems and JIT purchasing patterns supply chain management model.Methods: The basic model by comparing traditional procurement and JIT purchasing, analysis the status of the medical equipment parts procurement, proposes the necessity of implement JIT purchasing, outlines the application of JIT purchasing abroad.Results: JIT procurement model has time-sensitive, fast and flexible and reliable advantages, which can not only reduce the pressure on the stock, and timely implementation of medical equipment spare parts procurement, improve procurement efficiency, while achieving information exchange vendors and buyers.Conclusion: The limitations of present application of JIT purchase mode, and meanwhile it is confirmed that the theory of modern supply chain and logistics management theory as the instruction of the JIT procurement mode have the high professional value and wide application prospect, medical equipment parts on JIT purchasing is the inevitable trend.



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