首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >双波长LED白癜风治疗仪联合外用药物治疗白癜风的疗效研究




Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect of narrow band ultraviolet combined infrared with 8-Methoxypsoralen for the treatment of vitiligo,to seek a new method for the treatment of vitiligo. Methods: Sixty cases of vitiligo patients were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group adopted 365-nm narrow band ultraviolet LED combined 850-nm infrared LED with 8-Methoxypsoralen for the treatment of vitiligo, the control group adopted 365-nm narrow band ultraviolet LED irradiation combined with 8-Methoxypsoralen for the treatment of vitiligo, the clinical curative effect of two group were observed when treated with 1 months,2 months. Results:After 2 months of treatment, the efficiency rate of the experimental group was 66.67%, higher than that of the control group with an efficiency of 40%, the difference was statistically significant(x2=4.653, P<0.05). Conclusion: The clinical efficacy of narrow band ultraviolet combined infrared with 8-Methoxypsoralen for the treatment of vitiligo is better than that of narrow band ultraviolet combined with 8-Methoxypsoralen in the treatment of vitiligo.%目的:观察窄谱长波紫外线联合红外线及8-甲氧补骨脂素外用治疗白癜风的临床疗效,寻求治疗白癜风的新方法。方法:将60例白癜风患者按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组30例。观察组采用365 nm LED窄谱长波紫外线联合850 nm红外线照射及8-甲氧补骨脂素外用治疗白癜风皮损局部;对照组采用365 nm LED窄谱长波紫外线照射联合8-甲氧补骨脂素外用治疗白癜风皮损局部,并观察两组患者治疗1个月、2个月后的临床疗效。结果:治疗2个月后,观察组的治疗有效率为66.67%,高于对照组,两组相比差异有统计学意义(x2=4.653,P<0.05)。结论:窄谱长波紫外线联合红外线照射及8-甲氧补骨脂素外用治疗白癜风的临床疗效显著,优于窄谱长波紫外线照射联合8-甲氧补骨脂素外用治疗白癜风的临床疗效。



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