首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >LUNATM-260型伽玛刀的原理与升级改造




目的 解决LUNAM-260型伽玛刀在工作过程中,因线缆随机器运动磨损而发生的故障;为确保病人的安全,避免在治疗过程中治疗头与病人发生碰撞.方法 分析伽玛刀的工作原理,按照整个系统的机械布局,加装拖链与滑轨,达到了保护线缆的目的;更换C轴的减速电机,有效预防了治疗头与病人碰撞危险的发生.结果 通过对LUNATM-260型伽玛刀的升级改造,有效地避免了线缆损坏和治疗头与病人碰撞出现危险的问题.结论 通过滑轨与拖链的使用,避免了线缆的磨损;新型C轴减速电机的应用,在很大程度上有效预防了治疗头与病人碰撞危险的发生.%Objective To solve the problem of fray due to cable's movement Mowed by LUNATM-260 gamma knife itself and collision by treatment of bead to ensure patient safety in the process of therapy. Methods According to the mechanical layout of the entire system, install the towline and rail instead of the gear motor C-axis to protect the cable and reduce the risk of collision with the patient. Results By upgrade of Gamma Knife LUNATM-260, to reduce the risk of cable's damage and danger of collision with the patient. Conclusion The use of rail and towline, avoid the cable wear and new gear motor C-axis applications largely effective in preventing the treatment head and patient risk of collision occurred.



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