首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >机采血小板红细胞混入量超标原因分析




Objective Proper process controls should be applied to decrease percentage of red blood cell spill over, to avoid loss of platelet products, and to maintain a high quality of platelet apheresis collection. Methods Using a statistical method to analyze 33 cases of red cell spill over tested out of the total 18019 platelet apheresis products in Taiyuan Blood Center from 2005 to 2009. Results Red cell spill over is related to the process of platelet apheresis collection and the maintenance condition of relevant machine. Conclusion Good pre-screening based on practical experience as a first pass, excellent technical operation to ensure whole collection process and careful maintenance of apheresis machine could help minimize the chance of red cell spill over and guarantee the effectiveness of platelets product.%目的 在机采血小板采集工作中采取相应措施,减少产品冲红几率,避免制品在二次分离出红细胞的同时丢失血小板,确保机采血小板的质量.方法 通过对2005 ~ 2009年太原血液中心机采血小板18019人次中33例红细胞混入量超标的原因经统计学处理进行分析.结果 献血者的筛选、操作人员技术的熟练程度、仪器设备是否处于良好的运行状态与血小板制品的冲红有关.结论 根据实际工作经验力争在献血者筛选上把好第一关,在仪器设备的维护保养上做到细致到位,在工作人员操作技术上做到精益求精,将血小板制品冲红几率降到最低,确保机采血小板的有效成分.



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