首页> 中文期刊>中国保健营养 >剖腹产术中出血临床治疗体会




objective: To explore the clinical experience of bleeding during cesarean section.Methods: 100 cases of cesarean section from June 2016 to December 2016 were randomly divided into observation group and routine group, with a total of 50 cases.In view of the bleeding in cesarean section, the routine group was treated with suture hemostasis, while the observation group was treated by the method of uterine cavity packing.The results of the two groups were compared.Results: compared with the conventional group, the observation group showed that there was significant difference between the two groups in the amount of bleeding and hemostasis time in the observation group (P < 0.05).Conclusion: the use of drugs and other methods of treatment for women to avoid a series of postoperative complications caused by infection, postpartum rehabilitation.%目的:探讨剖腹产术中出血临床治疗体会.方法:选取从2016年6月至2016年12月进行剖腹产手术的产妇100例,随机分为观察组和常规组,50例/组.针对剖腹产手术中出血情况常规组采用药物缝扎止血治疗,观察组采用宫腔填塞法进行止血治疗,两组结果进行对比.结果:两组采用不同治疗方法后对比显示,观察组术中出血量和止血时间评分,明显优于常规组差异明显具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:对产妇采取药物止血同时配合其他治疗方法,避免了术中感染引发的一系列产后并发症,有利于产妇产后康复.



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